Friday, January 9, 2015

You can't draw that!

“I believe in a God who doesn’t need heavy financing” is what Erwin M. Fletcher said in the movie Fletch Lives!  You know, I have to agree with him.  I also don’t believe in a God who is easily offended or a God who needs me to stick up for Him.  Sure, I may get a little bent when Bill Maher says that my God is ruthless, over-bearing, homicidal, and a homophobe.  I did get a little hot under the collar in college when a professor told me that a crucifix in a jar of urine was art.  I don’t like “Buddy Jesus” or Jesus Christ Superstar or assertions from Richard Dawkins that I’m diluted for believing in God.

But at the end of the day I don’t lose sleep over it. I would be lying, however, if I said that I never wanted to punch Dawkins or Maher, but given the chance I know I wouldn’t.  Even if they were in front of my house with blasphemous depictions of Jesus Christ I wouldn’t assault them.  I certainly would not go to their place of employment and mow them down with automatic weapons.

I suppose I don’t quite understand what drives a person to massacre others over a couple of cartoons. Is the god of Islam that fragile he can’t beat-up a couple of cartoonists in the streets?  The god of Islam must be so puny that he can’t take a little lampooning and his followers must murder those who make fun of him. 

Doing evil things in the name of their god is not the story here.  The story in my pea-sized brain is that people in our Government and media are hasty to distance these killers from Islam even though these criminals are more than willing to call themselves Muslims. However, they would be more than happy to associate every gun-toting, right wing wacko to the Christian faith.

It’s like our Nation has an inability to say that this has anything to do with Islam or its followers.  Howard Dean, the former presidential candidate, came out and said that the Paris attackers are not Muslim; that they were “as Muslim as he is”.  What?! Not Muslim?  Then what the heck were they? Buddhist?  Atheist?  Wiccan? Hey Howie, I’m pretty sure if you ask them they will say they are Muslim.

Two years ago Jay “the Carn” Carnie, former (half)White House press secretary, scolded the same cartoonists who were killed this week for running cartoons which might be offensive to Muslims.  What about all the other religions these cartoonists made fun of?  Did Carnie say that they shouldn’t run offensive Darwin cartoons because it might offend the Atheists?  Did Carnie warn the world that Christians would be offended at blasphemous caricatures of Jesus?  Nope he didn’t.  You know why? Because liberal America for some strange reason believes that Islam is the religion of peace and Christianity is full of trigger happy psychos.
On January 7, Jimmy Kimmell had Bill Maher on his program.  Bill decried the recent shooting and said that millions of Muslims supported these killings.  Mr. Kimmell tried to rebut his comment by asking “do you really think that millions of Muslims support this violence?”  What if it was some crazed gun-toting redneck from the Bible-belt who shot up a bunch of people, do you really think Kimmell would have the same rebut? Or do you think that he would agree that millions of Christians support this type of violence?

 “Darn right L. Kyle those dang Christians are always killing innocent abortion doctors and blowing up abortion clinics in the name of their God!”

I’m glad you brought that up average liberal American.  According to since 1993 there have 17 attempted murders of doctors or staff members at clinics and eight murders.  I’m not minimizing the murder of anyone, but eight people murdered in 20+ years is a far cry from 12 people gunned down in one day.  Not only that, but not all of the people killing abortion doctors or bombing abortion clinics claim to do in the name of God. 

At the very least if Christians are killing abortion doctors they are doing in the defense of human life…not because their God was made fun of.

So why the double standard?  Why does our current culture eschew Christians and defend Muslims? 

“Because you dang Christians hate gays and hate women and don’t want nudity on television!”
Um…so do the Muslims.  Just look at Iran, Saudi Arabia and a host of other countries that follow strict Islamic laws.  Some countries put gays in prison, force women to dress in burkas and restrict media access so that they don’t see nudity and other Western culture
“Well it’s because you Christians are so intolerant! Prop 8, L. Kyle, Prop 8 dang it!”
Um…I wonder if there is a Harvey Milk day in Iran? 

Look, I’m not defending all the actions of Christians in this country.  I don’t agree with or like the actions of most Televangelists or the parishioners of the Westboro Baptist Church.  But I also don’t agree with Bill Maher’s comment that “all religions are dangerous.”  People have and will forever do evil things in the name of God, Muhamad, Allah, Satan or barking dogs. 

The point is that there is a large sentiment that Christianity is bad and Islam is good despite the mass killings, bombings, and terror sprees committed by Muslims.  People always say that those people “are radical Muslims” and not all Muslims want to behead people and partake in jihad. 

The word radical means “of or going to the root or origin; fundamental.” So by the strict definition these people terrorists in Paris are Muslims.  They are going to the root or origin or fundamentals of the teachings of the Muhammad.  Muhammad taught to kill those that would not covert to Islam.  Those who don’t subscribe to this teaching are the ones in danger of not being Muslims.

On the other side though, ‘radical’ Christians are the ones truly loving people without lopping off their heads.  Radical Christians claim to love Jesus and follow His teachings. The problem with Christ’s teaching--to those who are not Christians--is that it exposes that people are in need of a Savior.  His teachings tell us to die to ourselves and put others needs above our own. In fact Jesus said that in order be a true follower of His that you need to “pick up your cross and follow Him.” He tells Christians that they will face trails and persecutions.  Shoot Jesus even knew that people would make fun of Him and us, but we need to pray for those people instead.    

Perhaps those in the media should examine side by side the teachings of Muhammad and Jesus.  They would find out that Muhammad preaches death and destruction and Jesus preaches graced and forgiveness.

Leftovers, enjoy.

L. Kyle

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