Tuesday, July 3, 2012

We've been hoodwinked

On June 25 Kraft Foods, the parent company which manufactures the Oreo cookie, posted on their FaceSpaceMyBook page this picture of a rainbow colored Oreo.  Just look at all that stuffing.  I thought Double Stuffed Oreos were good, but, WOW, look at all that filling.  Hold on a sec.  They are not going to make these cookies?  What’s that you say?  The cookie is a celebration.  Of what, God’s covenant, that He will never again flood the earth (after all that is where we get the rainbow)? Oh.  How silly of me, of course Oreo is celebrating gay pride month. 

The tag on the picture is “We support love”.  Well so do most people, but why is it only the gay community has love?  What about the rest of us?  Don’t we have love?  So now you are telling me that first the gay community has high-jacked the rainbow and now they have high-jacked love too? 

Recently the White House saw fit to get in on the celebration and support of “love” by inviting a delegate of the gay community for a little get-together.  Some of the pictures of the event found their way onto the Interweb.  Maybe you have seen the picture of one of the members of the delegation posed by the picture of Ronald Regan.  A sweet picture really save for the woman flipping President Regan the double bird with a huge scowl on her face.  Classy.

Shortly after the White House event the Pentagon held a gay pride event.  One of the speakers was a female Army Colonel and former platoon commander.  She was speaking in front of other military officials stating what a relief it is that she can now openly admit that she is gay.  In her speech she said that it is not about sexual preference, but it’s about moving into a new home and mowing the lawn and all the other regular stuff a family deals with. 

Just days after the Pentagon event Anderson Cooper, famed CNN journalist, announced that he too was gay.  He said that it was time that he stands up and is counted; that he has always been gay, always will be gay and is proud to be gay.  That’s sweet, but why does he get to stand up and say he’s proud to be gay?  Because. This is where the magician is hoodwinking us.

Did you know that in 1962 every state in the nation had a sodomy law?  There were lengthy prison terms or hard labor for those found engaged in sodomy.  Additionally, homosexuality has been considered a mental disease for hundreds of years, but starting in the early 1900s psychologist Sigmund Freud -- and 50 years later Alfred Kinsey --  was making the case that homosexuality was inborn rather than immoral or even a mental disorder. 

According to the UCDavis psychology webpage

In 1973, the weight of empirical data, coupled with changing social norms and the development of a politically active gay community in the United State [emphasis mine], led the Board of Directors of the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). Some psychiatrists who fiercely opposed their action subsequently circulated a petition calling for a vote on the issue by the Association's membership. That vote was held in 1974, and the Board's decision was ratified.

So what was once illegal and then a mental disorder is not only accepted, but celebrated.  Granted not all of us are celebrating, but the push by the mainstream media of the homosexual agenda is astounding.  And really the mass media is where the magician does his work and tricks us all. 
Even scientists are in on the trick.  Notice that UC Davis cites that empirical data AND changing social norms AND the development politically active gay community as the reason to remove homosexuality from the mental illness list.  Do you think that we could lobby scientists to find that massive amounts of candy and soda are in fact good for you?  If science can succumb to social pressure, who then is immune?
It first started out with tolerance and the eroding of social morals and norms.  The gay community first preached tolerance.  That was their mantra.  Tolerate our behavior, tolerate lifestyle.  Tolerance was not enough though.  Once they received enough tolerance they moved on to a new mantra. 
That mantra is acceptance.  Tolerance is no longer good enough.  Instead of just tolerating the gay community the rest of society must accept their lifestyle as normal.  Smoking has become unacceptable by most in our society.  Some might even argue that smoking is not even very well tolerated.  “If you want to smoke fine, but do it somewhere else, you smell bad.”  What a role reversal we have here!  In the 1920s people were smoking like no tomorrow and homosexuals were being thrown in prison. Now homosexuals are celebrating like no tomorrow and smokers are being thrown in jail…well maybe not jail, but they are being fined in some cases.
L. Kyle, smoking is choice!
So is who you choose to have sex with! But that’s the magic trick.  We have been tricked into thinking that people are born gay.  If being gay is inborn then so is bestiality and pedophilia, right? Why else would people want to have sex with animals or children, it must be inborn, that’s the only logical explanation.  Despite what Freud and Kingsey tell us, sexual preference is not inborn.  Scientists tell us there is empirical data to support inborn abnormal sexual preference, but they also say that there is empirical data to support evolution.  If both are true, wouldn’t have evolution weeded out homosexual tendencies long ago? 
Imagine Ellen Degeneres and Anderson Cooper were the last two people on earth.  Could the human race go on? Which inborn instinct would win the war, sexual preference or survival?  My bet would be on survival.  Because once we strip out all of the pleasure of sex, it serves as a way of sustaining human life, it’s how we procreate.  It just so happens that God is pretty awesome in that he made sex pleasurable, but the magician has tricked us there too.
L. Kyle you hateful bigot!   
See that’s my point exactly.  The gay community has pushed the agenda of acceptance to the point that anyone who speaks out against their lifestyle is labeled as hateful and a bigot.  Did I say that I hate gay people?  No.  I am simply resistant to the idea that homosexuality is anything but a choice.  Is an adulterer born that way?  “I’m sorry I had sex with that other woman, but honey I was born that way.” 
“Don’t hide yourself in regret, just love yourself and you’re set, I’m on the right track baby, I was born this way” sings Lady Gaga. 
And our society is no longer questioning Lady Gaga and her statement. We simply accept what she says because that is what we were tricked into doing by the magician.   The problem is that while we were watching the magic act and captivated by words like sexual freedom, enticed by endless pleasure we have ushered in a new era in which all sexual choices cannot be questioned. 

The sad part is that rather than hate and bigotry I truly have compassion because just as much as the rest of society has been hoodwinked by the magician so has the gay community…

Leftovers enjoy.

L. Kyle.

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