Thursday, June 7, 2012

1, 2, 3 Not It!

Our founding fathers wrote in the Declaration of Independence that our Creator bestowed upon us certain rights, which are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.  These words have been the cornerstone of American freedom and the envy of the world for over two centuries.  Our founding fathers recognized that people should be able to live in a country free from governmental intrusion, that government should protect its people’s rights rather than take them away.
If you are reading this in the comforts of your American home, realize how blessed you are.  Despite what the Occupy Wall Street protestors might have you think all Americans are “one percenters”.  The world population is around six billion and we make up less than one percent of that.  Even our poorest people have better opportunity than people in most other countries. 
Americans are exceptional people.  We essentially pulled ourselves up by our proverbial bootstraps to make this country what it is today.  This country was founded by the fortitude of a few people who had a vision of something better.  It was birthed from an ideal where people could be free to choose their station in life.  This idea of freedom has been defended by the brave men and women serving in our nation’s military. 
Sadly the fabric that holds this nation together in being unraveled and in time the idea that founded this country will be all but a memory.  And what will be our undoing?  Happiness.  Maybe not happiness itself, but the idea that people are not satisfied until they are happy.  People fail to realize that achieving happiness like chasing a rainbow.  As soon as you think you are at the end, it moves.   Happiness is an emotion.  In fact Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines happy as favored by luck or fortune. 
Happiness, like luck or fortune, comes and goes.  Most people are happy Friday afternoon at 3 p.m.  Then at 3:01 p.m. their boss lets them know they forgot their coversheet on their TPS report and they have to come in over the weekend. Then they are not happy. What happened in a minute’s time?  Quite simply their circumstances changed bringing about a new emotion.  That’s the true problem with happiness, it’s an emotion.  Emotions themselves are terrible masters; decent servants, but terrible masters. 
Emotions are ruling our country. Political ads are aimed directly at your emotions.  Politicians know that if they can appeal to your emotions you are more likely to vote.  Hope and change anyone? 
How many times have you heard people say “Well as long as it makes you happy…”  Really?  What happens if stealing cars makes a person happy?  What if clubbing baby seals make a person happy?   That statement is the same as “If it feels good, do it.”  Just turn on the television and see firsthand what happens when people live by these mantras.  Television is littered with a plethora of shows about people living their lives with ZERO regard for other people and now they are 14 and pregnant (and yes El Guapo I do know what a plethora is). 
That is the end result when happiness a person’s standard for living.  Not being 14 pregnant of course, but having no regard for anyone but themselves.  How can you focus on other people when you are so worried about your own happiness?  That’s why our divorce rates are so high in this nation.  If a husband or wife is not happy then they look to divorce to get out of the marriage so they can go and make themselves happy.  In 2010 the movie “Eat, Pray, Love”, based on the book of the same title, hit theaters.  The premise of the movie is that a woman who seemingly has everything, husband, house, career, decides she’s not happy and gets a divorce.  Then she embarks on a journey to find who she really is. 
What an endearing little story!  She’s not happy in the commitment she made so she decides to leave it behind.  I wonder if the same thing works for mortgage payments?  That’s the prevailing message in our society today in regards to marriage; if you’re not happy just get a divorce.  Most people’s wedding vows have the phrase “for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.”  What ends being lived out is “until we become poor, or you become fat, or until I’m no longer happy.” 
What may be worse is that our younger generations are forsaking any commitments at all so they can walk away from relationships anytime they want with no difficulties.  If people are just “living together” or “friends with benefits” or just “hooking up” and it doesn’t work out, or when  they are not happy anymore they can just walk away. No messy divorce.  It’s not that people don’t want to have relationships, we all recognize that we must have connection with other people in order to survive.  The problem is we are creating millions of narcissistic people who can only focus on themselves and their happiness.  But I’m sure everything will work out just fine.
Leftovers enjoy!

L. Kyle

1 comment:

  1. Once again Mr. L.Kyle, brilliant. And although a message about sad truths that makes one think hard about the difference between happiness and joy, you still managed to make me laugh out loud.
