…and we are picking up speed.
On June 10, 2012 the Netroots Nation conference was held in San Jose, California. Most people were probably unaware that the conference happened or even what Netroots is even about. Suffice it to say that this conference was a gathering of progressive-minded people who get together a couple times a year to discuss how to be activists using the internet and other technologies. Don’t think pocket protectors and WOW, but think of people set on changing the political landscape of this country. Netroots is to the left side as the Tea Party is to the right side.
If you go to their website you can see an archive of their different topics and even listen to most of the speakers. Most of their topics are typical leftwing type items: “From Defeat to Triumph: Erasing the Death Penalty in America”, “Inside the Activists’ Studio: What to Do When the Right Comes After You”, “People, Not Polar Bears: Digital Revolutions and the New Fight Against Climate Change”. Then there was this…”Liberate Your Ass: Why Sexual Freedom is Key to Fighting the Right”.
You might think the Tea Party is comprised of a bunch of crackpots, but they probably don’t sit around and discuss sexual freedom in this country. That’s the point though. Believe it or not there is a segment of this country that sees sexual freedom as the defining issue in this country. They believe that if somehow everyone has the right to express themselves sexually that this country will be healed, the economy will be booming and all will be right in the universe. This is their all; sex in any form, sex with anyone (perhaps anything?), sex no matter what the cost.
One of the panelists for “Liberate your ass” was Elizabeth Fernandez-Kimmel one of the staff members at the Woodull Sexual Freedom Alliance. There’s an alliance for that? Really? The WSFA is all about making sure that people have the opportunity to have as much pleasure as possible. Here’s an excerpt from their website
Woodhull has been hard at work to combat the prohibition of pleasure, the rollbacks on hard-won freedoms and protections and to advance an agenda that recognizes the wonderful diversity of sex, sexuality and our rights to make informed, consensual choices in our lives.
Prohibition on pleasure? Hard-won sexual freedoms? Oh come on! Now they’re just making this stuff up. Right? Wrong. There is a definite element in society whose goal is to sexualize our society to the point that sex between a married man and women in the privacy of their own bedroom will become deviant.
The WSFA wants to advance an agenda that recognizes, which is to say that they want you to recognize, the wonderful diversity of sex. What does that mean? Well for starters they want you to forget that there is a God-given standard in regards to sex. Sex is intended to be between one man and one woman who are married.
L. Kyle you old-fashioned prude!
Let’s suspend reality for a minute and think what we would have to live without if everyone subscribed to this standard for sex. Adultery. Gone. Teen Pregnancy. Gone. STDs. Gone. AIDS. Gone. Pornography. Gone. Prostitution. Gone. Dang, the WSFA’s is right, we need to champion the diversity of sex and pursue pleasure at all costs because we have gained so much.
I’m no fool, I realize that even in the most conservative of places in our nation that sexual desires are lived out which deviate from this standard. But it’s alarming to what rate we as a nation have embraced the idea of sexual diversity and we have unabashedly thrown decency out the window. It’s been 50 years since the sexual revolution of the 1960s. Free love was the theme of the day. But today, as the WSFA puts it, it’s all about sex and pleasure. At least the hippies tried to sell their debauchery as love and not just self-gratification.
In the past year a series of books have taken this country and the U.K. by storm. The first in the series is titled 50 Shades of Grey. The story is about a young college student becoming sexually involved with a Billionaire banker who has a panache for kinky sex. What started as books sold only in digital format has now come to sell more than 10 million copies worldwide and currently is #1 on the New York Times Bestseller list, both in paperback and digital. There is even talks of a movie deal some in the future.
The problem? The books (from what I’m told) are beyond graphic in their sexual content. The New York Times dubs this book as “mommy porn”, not because there are mommies in them, but because now mommies can read books with graphic sexual content and feel okay about it. After all, 10 million Elvis fans can’t be wrong, can they? Ten million readers have purchased a book with a central theme of graphic, pornographic sex. Although critics may have panned the books as poorly written it has not stopped millions from celebrating the sex scenes. “I read it for the dramatic story line.”
Millions are celebrating deviating from the standard. The problem with deviating from the standard is that there are often times severe consequences. We however began to minimize the consequences. When AIDS became a problem we taught “safe sex.” That is we taught that sex without a condom and with multiple partners was dangerous. When teen pregnancy was on the rise we taught sex education. That is we demonstrated to kids how to put on a condom, passed out free condoms and gave them some stats on STDs. When unintended pregnancies happened we legalized abortion.
It seems we don’t have to minimize the consequences any longer. Groups like the Woodhull Sexual Freedom Alliance see it as their goal to maintain the “hard-won” freedoms to seek pleasure. Books like 50 Shades of Grey will apparently continue to sell so that mommies can have their porn in a socially acceptable way. To what end? What is the eventual outcome of all this hedonism?
The moral decay of our society, that’s what. And when decency and morality stand in the way of seeking pleasure, then decency and morality will become deviant behavior.
Leftovers. Enjoy
L. Kyle.